Akaine Kramerik is a native of Illinois, USA with a God given talent for art. On her website she states that her biggest wish is "that everyone would love God and one another," and that her life goal is "to share her love for God and people around the world."
I love most of Akaine's paintings.
Some have brought me to tears.
Her techniques are unique.
Her art is expressive of all that is truly beautiful from a biblical perspective.
Her art captures intuitively God's love for beauty and for mankind, sinful though man is.
Her paintings are the creative overflow of her expression of her love for God.
One thing I wish Akaine could re-teach Christian artists world over is her desire to bring the world to Christ through the medium of art. As an artist, I know this with my head, and paint my art as a prayer, but the finished product, may be seen as ... just beauty....and nothing more. Akaine on the other hand, does not strive first for beautiful, but meaningful.
The downside to Akaine's art is that "imaginism," as she titles her style, can digress to very misleading art. Of one of her paintings, "The Water Angel," Akaine says: "She is the healer, the purity of existence effortlessly removing waste and illusion..... She is the survival and the oasis for all life, a holy fountain of youth~the secret to immortality." While I understand that living things do desperately need water, and because of this Jesus called Himself "the Living Water," for the Christian to allow anything even in allegory, to take the place of Jesus is wrong. As a Christian artist myself, I can see where I could very easily make similar mistakes, and until I have a chance to ask Akaine myself what she meant, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt, and continue to approve of and promote her art!